Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fanciful Things - new Obama Breakfast Cereal

Obama O's: Hope in Every Bowl. Ok - this has nothing to do with quilting, but the concept made me laugh. A new travel website, Air Bed & Breakfast, created this cereal as a promotion. Yes, there's actually cereal in it. Enjoy!


  1. Kyra,
    I think that is wonderful. Mr. Obama has inspired so many commercial ideas, that alone must be doing something to jumpostart this ecomony. Couple that with the inauguration and something ought to "register on the scale".

    Thanks for the smile.

  2. Funny and very nice. I love it! Where can you buy it?

  3. Thank you so much for visiting with me this evening. I will definitely be back to visit and see your work.

    I too, am happy about the Obama products available to honor and commemorate such an awesome time in our nation.

    I was thinking about coming up with a quilt to mark this time in our life for our children's legacy that no matter what their circumstance, they can be whatever they want to be.

    Yes, we can!


  4. Hi Kyra,
    Thank you for coming to my blog and leaving a comment..
    I am so happy for you all in the states with your new president elect..I'm sure 2009 will be a new beginning!
    This is certainly a great time and a wonderful event to go down in history

  5. this makes me wonder if there will be a cartoon call "Little Obama" similiar to "Little Bill". not sure how i feel about the cereal box though.

    Keep on doing what you do in 2009! Wishing you a FABULOUS year!

  6. Marlene - Thanks for stopping by! If you do stitch an Obama quilt, will you share the photo here?

    Don't forget!

    Best, Kyra

  7. Julia - Welcome! It's been interesting seeing how others outside of the USA view Mr. Obama. We're counting down until Jan 20!

    Best, Kyra
