Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama Kanga Fabrics - on eBay

Thanks to the special Black Threads reader who sent me a link last week to Obama Kanga Fabric on eBay (item 180312439834). The final bid for two panels was $61 + shipping. The winner receives fabric measuring 126" x 42." This Kanga fabric from East Africa bears the Swahili inscription: "Hongera Barack Obama. Upendo na amani ametujalia mungu." From the auction description, the phrase means "Congratulations Barack Obama. Love and Peace have been granted to us by God." Enjoy!


  1. Wow. I live in Nairobi and they are being sold here for $10 per panel or less.

  2. I've been on the hunt for some Obama fabric...not panels, but something smaller & modern. I just might have to print my own!!!
