Friday, January 09, 2009

Crafted Lives: Stories and Studies of African American Quilters - new book by Patricia Turner

CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Patricia A. Turner, sistah quilter and professor of African American and African studies and the vice provost of undergraduate studies at the University of California, Davis on the publication of her new book, "Crafted Lives: Stories and Studies of African American Quilters."

You really get two books in one here! In the first part, Dr. Turner interviews nine different quilters nationally - including from Alaska! The in-depth profiles are of: Jeanette Rivers, Daisy Anderson Moore, Elliott Chambers, Ed Johnetta Miller, Ora Knowell, Marion Coleman, Riche Richarson, Tiffanie Newton Williams, and Cyre Cross.

The second part of the book discusses very interesting subjects in African American quilting. Have a peek at the chapter titles:
  • Of February, Fairs, and Folklorists: Black Quilts Come Out
  • Black Quilts/White Walls
  • Lift As You Fly - Faith Ringgold
  • Legendary Quilts (Note: must read essay on topic of Underground Railroad quilts)
  • One More River to Cross (Note: Alabama quilts from Rosa Parks, the Freedom Quilting Bee, to Gee's Bend Quilts - again, must read essay from a quilter/folklorist perspective)
I can see quilting guilds using one of the topical essays for book discussions - the topics are that interesting, and Patricia Turner's text that approachable. The book is just coming out this month. My copy came in the mail yesterday (I wrote the foreword to the book). We have our first African American Quilting book for 2009! Enjoy!


  1. Girl, I love ya for keeping me informed but I get so excited that I think I must have every book on our quilters plus every thing else all African all the time that I'm gonna go broke! I'll be the one pushing around the cart of books on the streets once I'm homeless LOL!

  2. no make that living in the abandoned train car because thats what I'm going to need to hold my books, quilting and otherwise :)

  3. Karoda -

    Had to laugh! To that abandoned train add ..... FABRIC!

    Best, Kyra

  4. Dear Kyra,

    Thank you for your post. I am a quilter in Chicago and I love your blog because it keeps me informed. I have your blog saved as my favorite. I will definitely purchase this book because books like Crafted Lives inspires me to keep doing what I love which is quilting. Thanks Again!

    Chicago, Illinois

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