Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Carolyn Mazloomi Calls for Book Submissions

Sistah Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi has a call out! Dr. Mazloomi is author of the following contemporary African American quilting publications:
* Spirits of the Cloth
* Threads of Faith
* Textural Rhythms: Quilting the Jazz Tradition
* Quilting African American Women's History

She will soon be selecting quilts for her next publication. And, if you have a quilt to fit the theme, do follow the instructions below to have your quilt considered. Here's the call for book submissions from Dr. Mazloomi:

"President Barack Obama has evoked much passion and inspiration from people all around country. There have been several quilt exhibitions featuring quilts inspired by the President. I seek high-quality images of quilts celebrating the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States, to be published in a book, The Journey of Hope in America: Art Quilts Inspired by President Barack Obama, to be released in August 2009. Please share this call with other quilters.

The Journey of Hope in America: Art Quilts Inspired by President Barack Obama will capture this incredible cultural movement in a book featuring quilts and the inspiration behind them. The book will be a large, full-color, 200 page hardback. Deadline for submissions is June 15th, 2009. Artist will be notified of acceptance by the end of June, 2009.

All visuals submitted must represent work that is original in design. A maximum of three entries per artist is allowed. Submit professional quality high-resolution images (JPEG or TIFF) on CD or via email, image list, statement/ inspiration of no more than 300 words for each submission, and contact information (name, postal mailing address, phone, e-mail address). If you email quilt images, please label each file with name of quilt. For the return of your CD, you must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Selected artists will receive a complimentary copy of the book and discount on additional copies. Please send submissions to Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi, 5481 Oldgate Drive, West Chester, OH 45069 or"

1 comment:

  1. I've been fortunate,,, Dr. Mazloomi has been cordial and so kind. I have a quilt prepared for inclusion in exhibit.... YEAHHHHH

    Google me # Bquiltin
