Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Who Else Would I Talk To .... This I Accomplish Research

During the course of my research for This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces, there were several people I would have loved to have found and talked to... or maybe go back in time to meet!
  • The Baltimore, MD branch of Oneita Virginia (Jennie) Smith's family
  • Bessie Mell Lane, who attended the Lucy Cobb Institute and actually knew Jennie Smith
  • W.D. Griffeth - the secretary of the Northeast Georgia Fair. Would love his first person account of the quilts at the fair!
  • Julies Cohen, a local merchant and first Jewish elected official in Athens, GA. He sold fabrics - I wonder if he sold any fabrics to the Black women in Athens, including Harriet Powers. Does his extended family have any papers from Cohen dry goods store?
  • Madison Davis - the president of the Colored Fair in Athens in 1886. He went on to become an elected representative in the Georgia State Legislature. Did he or his wife know Harriet Powers? Are there any papers or letters of his Fair work surviving?
  • Irvine Garland Penn, president of the Colored Building at the Cotton States and International Exposition of 1895. What additional words did he have to say about the textiles and quilts at the Expo?
  • I'd love to learn if Anne Brumby, one time Dean of Women at University of Georgia, sister of Admiral Frank Hardeman Brumby and friend of Jennie Smith, kept a diary and recorded any messages about HOW she helped distribute Jennie Smith's affects.
  • I would love to have met Harold M. Heckman, University of Georgia accounting professor, who was Jennie Smith's executor. From those I talked to who knew him, he seemed a wonderful man.
  • Who purchased the letters and other contents of Lorene Curtis Diver's Keokuk, Iowa home in 1959? Do any extended family members of Samuel Ryan Curtis (1805-1866), uncle of Lorene have any letters from her?
  • Many more accounts from those who attended Negro Day at the 1895 Expo.
  • What would Athens photographer Charles F. McDannell have to say about the afternoon he photographed Harriet Powers?
  • Can someone find the Atlanta University Board of Trustee records for about1898? Who REALLY commissioned the Pictorial Quilt from Harriet Powers? Hmmmm!

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