Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lancaster Quilt & Textile Museum Quilt Symposium & Workshop April 2

Have you visited the Lancaster Quilt & Textile Museum in Lancaster, PA? This is the museum known for its renowned collection of antique Amish Quilts from the former Esprit Collection.

On Saturday, April 2, 2011, there will be a one-day quilt symposium and workshop. Historian and author Lynne Zacek Bassett will examine textiles that women created to honor their country and their fighting menfolk in her talk "Textiles of the Civil War." Kyra Hicks will share insights on "200 Years of African American Quilt History" in the morning. In the afternoon, Kyra will lead a workshop titled How to Tell Your Stories Through Quilts. There will also be a book signing. The entire day is just $15. Enjoy!

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