Friday, March 18, 2011

PS 31 Kids Explore African Arts and Quilting

Read a wonderful article from the Staten Island Advance about art and music teacher Emily Ellison and her year-long curriculum to teach various aspects of African arts and crafts to PS31 third, forth, and fifth graders. They have learned about African masks, weaving, embroidery and quilting. The class visited the Sandy Ground Historical Society Museum to see African American quilts there. They are now making a class quilt with each student stitching their own block. According to the article, teacher Ellison challenged the students to consider:
"What kind of design represents you the best? What if someone found our quilt 500 years from now? What will your design say about you?
What a wonderful classroom experience! Are there similar programs in your community? Enjoy!


  1. Now that is what I call true education -- not out of a book by rote but by hands on -- barbara

  2. This is wonderful! I love to see the kids getting involved and creating. Great idea!

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