Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Susan Scott Hester's My Voice on Cloth Master's thesis

Congratulations to Susan Scott Hester for her University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill master's thesis titled "My Voice on Cloth: Story Quilters of the South Carolina Lowcountry."

Her 140 page thesis examines the "genealogy of African American Quilt Scholarship" and the pictorial quilts, individual and artistic experiences of African American art quilters from a particular area in South Carolina. Specifically she focuses on ten quilters: Cookie Washington, Catherine Lamkin, Winifred Sanders, Peggie Hartwell, Dr. Marlene O-Bryant-Seabrook, Lenora Brown, Arianne King-Comer, Dorothy Montgomery, Zelda Grant, and Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues.

You can download a copy of the thesis from the University of North Carolina Library - or by clicking here. Congratulations Susan! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Wanda Rayford7/31/2013 2:02 AM

    Ms. Susan Scoot Hester’s MA thesis was certainly wonderful! I think it is good to that you post the link to the thesis. It is certainly good to post thesis on site like http://thesishelpdesk.com/thesis-ideas/ where people can found thesis ideas that they can use on their writing.
