Thursday, September 21, 2006

Donating a Quilt - how to

Recently a quilter emailed me and ask how to donate quilts to a local museum or historical society. I'm no expert on this topic. So, a quick search engine visit uncovered the following link helpful link:
  1. Leaving a Legacy: Donating Quilts to Museums by Andi Reynolds © 2004. Excellent summary discusses: museum acquisition policy, donated quilt attributes, quilt value, legal, financial, and tax implications. There's also helpful links to quilt museums nationally.
  2. Here's a link to one museum's policy - New England Quilt Museum - insightful look at donation criteria.

When I researched the materials for Black Threads, I uncovered 585 African American-made quilts in 100 museum collections. The hundred museums and contact information are listed in the book.

Without donations ... and museum purchases!.... of our quilts - who will know our fabric stories in 100 years?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for the information that article answers a lot of my questions.
It appears that donatting a quilt is a process. I will reseach the process and see what I come up with.
thanks again for the information