Saturday, Sept 9, 2006
The Museum of the African Diaspora is a MUST SEE stop whether you live or are visiting San Francisco. Located at 685 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105 (phone: 415.358.7200), this nearly year-old museum seeks to share experiences of people worldwide.
Carrie Mae Weems: The Louisiana Project is on exhibit until October 9. A thought-provoking exhibit featuring photographs, film, as well as silhouettes. There's two fierce self-portraits featuring Ms. Weems looking into a hand-held mirror wearing an original log-cabin patterned quilted dress! The portraits are titled "I looked and looked and failed to see what so terrified you."
I want that dress!
I was in town to share a few thoughts about African American Quilt History at MoAD. The lecture hall was packed! So good to meet the stitching sisters from the African American Quilting Guild of Oakland. Good also to have my mother there, along with a studious cousin at San Fran State U, a life-long friend from Hallmark days, and a dear 2nd cousin, twice removed in the audience.
Also at MoAD is "PATTERNS: Traditional West African Textiles and The Art of Gee's Bend Quilts," a companion exhibit to the Gee's Bend exhibit at the deYoung Musuem.
Check out the latest MoAD exhibit at www.moadsf.org/exhibits !
Wow, I want that dress too. It is a fierce and fabulous ensemble.
Thanks for sharing it.
Sandra from QHL
Carrie Mae Weems is so cool! What a photo!
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