Monday, October 30, 2006

Walter Mosely - Quilt Connection

Are you a Walter Mosely fan? I enjoy his Easy Rawlins mystery series – and hope Denzel Washington will reprise the role in a future feature movie. Well, Pat Turner, recently shared with me that Mosely’s “The Man in My Basement,” which takes place in Sag Harbor/Bridgehampton area, includes the character Narciss Gully, an African American antique dealer, who is a Ph.d and quilt scholar writing a book on black quilters. In the book, Charles Blakey is offered $50,000 to allow Anniston Bennet, a rich white man, to “rent” Blakey’s basement. The money will go a long way to helping Blakey keep his family’s home. Turner does recommend the book with some reservations; the female characters seem to follow superficial stereotypes. Fairly explicit sex scenes.

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