Did you see CBS Sunday Morning today for the feature on EllynAnne Geisel, who has a book and exhibit on aprons? I have a COLLECTION of aprons started when I lived in Kansas City, filled out from eBay, none over $15. I still look for those with positive African American images. Do you have an apron collection?
If you can call three aprons a collection, then I suppose I do! LOL One is one that my grandmother made for me from a preprinted panel and the other two were made and worn by my great grandmother. I will have to see if I can find the book.
Since "three's a crowd," it's most certainly a collection, too!
That's fabulous that you have your great grandmother's and grandmother's aprons. I remember my Granny would keep kleenex and a baggy of cashews in her apron pockets. Kyra
I don't collect aprons, but I do have a good friend that collects vintage ones. She ordered all her friends the Apron Chronicles book. The cover photo is my favorite! Then we got to view the Apron Chronicle Exhibit in May at The Women's Museum in Dallas. It was a very touching exhibit and a wonderful day spent with friends. I snuck some photos of all the aprons hanging from the ceiling. I'm so glad I came across your post. I may have to did up my photos to post on my blog.
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