Many thanks to SimplyTanzania.com, an online website in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I received a lovely email from Joanna, the site's co-owner, who visited this blog. She invited me to visit her website and see the COLLECTION of Barack Obama kanga fabrics - each for $19.99 + shipping. While on the site, I saw the elusive George Bush Presidential Fabric (sorry, it's now out of stock), and ordered a piece. It arrived within three days and looks great. Joanna says: "We started simplytanzanian.com with the aim of promoting products from Tanzania. We have a variety of beautiful khangas from Tanzania and would love for the readers of Black Threads to visit our store!" Enjoy!
Love your blog! And especially the articles about the commemorative textiles from Tanzania about Obama and Mandela. Perhaps you'd care to check out http://www.threadlink.typepad.com/africanthreads/ to see the textiles I import from women's groups in South Africa: powerful stories in cloth.
Valerie, Thank you for the link to AfricanThreads. Appreciate it. Off to visit there now...
Best, Kyra
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