Wanted to introduce you to the quilts of Sherise Marie Wright. I haven't met her personally, but have seen her work on her blog,
The Soul of Quilting. She says of her work:
"My love for quilting began at the age of three years old when I watched my great-grandmother quilting in the living room of our home. At that point in my life I was engrossed with color, fabric, creativity, and passion. My overall goal as a fiber artist is to create quilts that resonate with my own spirit and soul. My quilts are a diary of my heart and spirit. I'm very passionate and pleased to share my dreams and visions with others. I believe my quilts are whimisical and exciting to create."
Hi Kyra,
I wanted to say, "thank you" for posting my quilt from my blog, and keep up the great work posting information. Also, Quilting Arts Magazine has a link on their webpage concerning Obama Inaguration Quilts. Here is the link: http://www.quiltingarts.com/qamag/online_extra/37/obama_quilts.html
Sherise Marie Wright
love this blog! found it thru Alzheimer Notes.
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