Last night I received in the mail a Call for Entry application for Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry's Black Creativity 2007 juried exhibition. This event is in its 34th year! Categories for entries include ceramics, folk art, painting, drawing, photography, print, video, sculpture, and.... of course,.... textiles. Click to view the 2006 exhibit winners, including Robert Lewis Clark (photo).
Unfortunately, you'll need to act fast! The entries are due November 6. Call the museum at 773-947-4161 for an entry form. I've had a quilt to be included in a past exhibit. It really is a marvelous opportunity, and the museum does an excellent job of hanging and promoting the show - which attracts artists from across the country!
Update! Carole Lyles Shaw has received a 2007 Honorable Mention award for her mixed media collages titled "Memories and Dreams: Fragments"! Congratulations Carole!
Nooooooooo! I JUST SAW THIS about the Black Creativity exhibit! Darn it!
Is this an annual event?
Hey Elle,
Yes, it's an annual event. And, each year the application comes to me about a week before the due date! Mark your calendar in September and call the museum for details! It is a fantasic show! Kyra
Yes, the best thing to do is to bookmark the museum site and put a reminder on your calendar to call them in September. The info will be posted online, but I wouldn't wait for the mail. It's a great opportunity!!
Carole Shaw,
Proud winner of an award for 2007!!
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